Хомяки попали . Этот виртуальный гадюшник где можно любую сумму класть на счет в любом магазинчике и через приложение отслеживать зачисление решил не рисковать недавно полученной лицензией. Любимый банк телеграм проекта сообществ которые в России вне закона гггг
The firm last month cemented its status as Britain’s most valuable fintech, after a secondary share sale by employees valued the company at $45bn.
The London-based business, which recently celebrated its ninth anniversary and will soon move into a huge new Canary Wharf office, recorded a £344m profit for 2023, compared to £6 million the previous year, while revenues nearly doubled to £1.8 billion. Rising interest rates added an extra £400 million in interest income during the year, as well as a more-than 50% jump in customer subscription income to £250 million.
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